For me art is a circle of simply doing, researching, thinking, sharing and exchanging
-without the constant question of "why"-
that gives shape to an artistic work.
The skewed understanding of added value is totally out of control. Monetary profit before human rights, before environmental protection…
I was lucky to attend the „Freie Waldorfschule“ where I got the possibility to be whoever I wanna be and see all the facettes of creativity and handcraft.
I learned to appreciate, respect and care about the nature.
Also my parents have always seen me as an individual beside my four siblings and have given me all the space that I need.
Despite an environment filled with freedom and encouragement, it took me time to figure out what I really wanted and to have the courage to live my desires and dreams...
to find my individual path.
As I said before, I believe there is a very special treasure in everyone. Karma, abundance, soul…
...however you name it, if you fullfill your true calling in life, you are happy and peaceful and can give it to others reciprocally...
I believe in the goodness of human beings!
…But then there exists all this injustice.
But what do I expect?
Humans treat their environment as they treat themselves…
factory livestock farming…
factory human farming…
I am self-made and do not have a professional degree in the Arts and thus am able to create spaces that are accessible for everyone... ...without intimidation or prestige.
...all this to give wealth to only a few…
Is this what humanity means?
If humans would not be such megalomaniacs
Do we need all that?
Is there maybe a reason behind all that?
As if we look in the nature...
Trees do not die because of their age, they die because of insects and fungus, because another tree takes the light...
but then a lion adopts a baby antilope instead of killing it...
mind wrap...
I feel helpless...
------ [inner conflict] ------
I use my inner conflict asa source of motivation to contiunously go into creation, into conversation, into movement...
...to reach liberation.
Beside the many other ideas and intentions behind MOVEMENT UNLIMITED, my main goal is to inspire people to let go and live their deepest fantasies.
To create a life for themselves where they can experience them free of judgement.
Moving through this cycle is how I describe my creativity.
Especially the part of simply doing it I see as the most important, since I strongly believe that we all carry this unique treasure within us...
...but thanks to our performance-oriented and profit-oriented society we totally forget about it.